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Insolence preview video*
It's very funny

Two of the grumpiest old men try turning their book that didn’t sell into a million-dollar movie script.
Hold-ups, muggings, the police, and a GPS that is completely worthless block their trip into the big city on the way to visit their unscrupulous money-hungry agent. Oh, and everything goes wrong.
Sounds like fun.
Insolence is a wacky book of ridiculously funny, delightfully miss-matched short stories and the two old guys trying to turn them into a major picture while they pocket millions of dollars. The one catch is their book is a flop and their greedy agent is only out to take their money.
Insolence is a film within a film, a story within a story, a dark comedy Larry David, Mel Brooks, and Woody Allen, should enjoy.
Very quick, rapid-fire, self-deprecating humor, these guys are the new Hope and Crosby, the new Beavis and Butthead, the oddest of couples.
Oh, did I mention; these guys are senior citizens?
Insolence, no subject is sacred, nothing is off the table. These guys are really grumpier old men, the ultimate buddy film.
Pharaohs, they got ’em. Mafia chieftains, they got them too. Heaven and hell, old-time seafaring court-martials to high school shenanigans, Rick and Dan find a way not only to insult everyone, but make one heck of a hilarious movie while doing it.
The reveal is something even I didn’t see coming and I wrote it!
Laughs?...Tons. Story-lines?... even more. Insolence really does have something for everyone.
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